The group
Our group is highly interdisciplinary and multi-cultural. It is led by Sonja Aits, and comprises two PhD students, Salma Kazemi Rashed and Rafsan Ahmed, and a variable number of undergraduate students from (bio)medical, science or engineering programs.
The group leader
Sonja has a PhD in biomedicine and worked for >10 years as a wet lab cell biologist, specialized in cancer cell death and lysosomes, before transitioning to computational research. Besides her research activity, Sonja is heavily involved in coordinating various AI-related activities at Lund University and she is also study director of the COMPUTE research school.
The research environment
Our group is situated at the Department of Experimental Medical Science at the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University. We are part of several interdisciplinary research environments and communities at Lund University and we are also part of several national and international research networks:
Our collaborators
Our group work enjoys working with others who share our belief in collaborative science. If you are interested in collaborating, don't hesitate to contact us!